Geoevent: Real Time GIS
The ArcGIS GeoEvent Extension for Server is an extension for ArcGIS for Server. The GeoEvent Extension can be used to incorporate real-time event data into the ArcGIS system. This cutting edge tool satisfies a growing demand across multiple industries to incorporate real-time streaming data into everyday GIS applications, workflows, and analyses.
The Geoevent Extension can be used for-
Incorporating real-time information streams with existing GIS data and IT infrastructure.
Performing continuous processing and analysis on streaming data.
Producing new streams of data that can be leveraged by the entire ArcGIS system.
Sending updates and alert notifications to those who need it, where they need it, in response to received events.

Credit: esri.com
CCGT has Geoevent running on its server and currently connected to the tweeter stream. As for now, the CyberGIS team is doing a project where they are collecting the live election tweets (i.e. #HillaryClinton, #DonaldTrump and those have locations) and analyzing these geospatial data for election result prediction and obtaining the spatial factors affecting the candidates popularity.
ArcGIS Data Store

ArcGIS Data Store is an application that can be used to set up different types of data stores used by a Portal for ArcGIS hosting server: i.e. to store hosted feature layer data (a relational data store), to store caches for scene layers (a tile cache data store) or if using ArcGIS GeoEvent Extension for Server, to archive real-time observational data (a spatiotemporal big data store).
With ArcGIS Data Store, the following can be done:
Publish large numbers of hosted feature layers.
Publish hosted scene layers to your portal.
Archive high volume, real-time observation data.
Create backups of hosted feature layer data automatically.
Configure a failover data store for your feature layer data and scene caches.
Perform analysis in the Portal for ArcGIS map viewer.
Big Data
Hadoop is an open-source software for reliable, scalable, distributed computing. The Apache Hadoop software library is a framework that allows for the distributed processing of large data sets across clusters of computers, using simple programming models.
GIS Tools for Hadoop by Esri are a collection of GIS tools that leverage the Spatial Framework for Hadoop for spatial analysis of big data. The tools make use of the Geoprocessing Tools for Hadooptoolbox, to provide access to the Hadoop system from the ArcGIS Geoprocessing environment.

Real-Time GIS

Credit: ESRI.com