GIS Day 2025
Please join us in celebrating GIS Day at Clemson University on Wednesday, November 16, 2022! This event is the culmination of the work done by faculty, researchers, and GIS professionals in the past year.
This is a great opportunity for the GIS community around Clemson to connect with fellow professionals, inspire others with their fantastic work, and pique the interest of the general public when it comes to GIS and its possible real-world applications.
GIS Day features amazing presentations from faculty and GIS professionals across the region. There will also be food and beverages, contests and prizes, and a sandbox and games for children of all ages, so bring your kids along for the fun!

12am - 4pm Drones, Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Tours Begin
Exhibitors from NASA, Esri, Clemson Geopaths, and Clemson Mappers
Map Gallery - vote for your favorite!
3D Coloring Contest - paint a 3D printed model
Where in the World contest
12pm - 1pm Mapathon (Mapping for Good) with lunch
1:15pm - 1:30pm Keynote Speaker: Dr. David Cowen
1:30pm - 4pm Lightning Talks
4pm - 4:30pm Prize giveaway!
Event Details
Clemson Center for Geospatial Technologies412 RM Cooper Library
Clemson University
Lightning Talks, Map Gallery, Tours, Mapathon, Games, Contests, Food, and Awards!
Open to the public
November 16, 12pm-4:15pm
Clemson GIS Day 2022 Sponsors


We thank our guests from different city governments, counties, and municipalities who made the trip to our Campus to celebrate GIS Day with us.

Dr. Gary Machlis, Professor of Environmental Sustainability and Co-Lead, Clemson Caribbean Initiative gives a talk on Science and Decision Making During Major Environmental Crises.

GIS Day 2017 advertisement on Clemson campus!

We thank our guests from different city governments, counties, and municipalities who made the trip to our Campus to celebrate GIS Day with us.