Lightning Talks (1:00 - 4:00 pm)

Prepare to be inspired by our faculty and professionals using the latest GIS technologies and learn new ways to apply powerful GIS analysis to your own research. Check out innovative research happening across the Southeast and here at Clemson!
Our keynote speaker is Greg Dobson, Director of Geospatial Technology at the National Environmental Modeling and Analysis Center (NEMAC) at the University of North Carolina in Asheville. Mr. Dobson has worked as a Research Scientist with NEMAC since 2006, where he worked first as the GIS Coordinator. As Director of Geospatial Technology, Mr. Dobson oversees all of NEMAC's GIS activities, research, mapping, and development.
Interpreting our World with Today's GIS. Greg Dobson, Director of Geospatial Technology at the National Environmental Modeling and Analysis Center (NEMAC) at the University of North Carolina
New & Emerging 3D Geospatial Technology. Geoff Taylor, 3D Solutions Engineer, Esri Charlotte
NASA DEVELOP at NOAA's National Centers for Environmental Information: Helping scientists of tomorrow utilize NASA & NOAA data to bridge the gap between science and societal application. Alec Courtwright, Center Lead, NASA DEVELOP National Program, NOAA National Center for Environmental Information Node
Where you live affects your health? Dr. Khoa Truong, Associate Professor, College of Behavioral, Social, and Health Sciences, Clemson University
It's not a drone! The UAV Program at Clemson. Dr. Christopher Post, Professor of Environmental Information Science, Forestry and Environmental Conservation Department, Clemson University
Correlating Drinking Water Quality with Kidney Stone Incidence in South Carolina. Dr. David Ladner, Assistant Professor, Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences Department, Clemson University
Understanding Human-Coyote Encounters in Urban Ecosystems Using Citizen Science Data: What Do Socioeconomics Tell Us? Stuart Wine, GIS Manager, City of Clemson
Conservation GIS: the why, where, and when questions for biodiversity. Dr. Robert Baldwin, Associate Professor, Conservation Biology Graduate Coordinator, Forestry and Environmental Conservation Department, Clemson University
Application of Online GIS in Introductory Geography Courses. Dr. William Terry, Associate Professor, Department of History and Geography, Clemson University
Making our roads safer using GIS. Dr. Wayne Sarasua, Associate Professor, Glenn Department of Civil Engineering, Clemson Unversity
ArcGIS Online and Civil Engineering (CE): Using Cloud Data In A Brand New World. Dr. Allen Roberts, Assistant Professor, Civil and Construction Engineering, Kennesaw State University
An Unexpected Journey: Working in East Africa to Support Development of GIS for Parks and Conservation Management. Dr. David White, Assistant Research Professor, Department of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Management, Clemson University
Lightning Talks Audience Participation
To encourage everyone to connect with the presenters and their work, we will give a prize to an audience member who asks the most insightful or thought-provoking question of one of the presenters!