GIS Day November 18, 2015
Please join us in celebrating GIS Day at Clemson University! This event is the culmination of the work done by faculty, researchers, and GIS professionals in the past year.
This is a great opportunity for the GIS community around Clemson to connect with fellow professionals, inspire others with their fantastic work, and pique the interest of the general public when it comes to GIS and its possible real-world applications.
Our keynote speaker is Dr. Nancy von Meyer, an exceptional GIS leader in South Carolina, with over 35 years of experience in land information and cadastral applications. She is also the author of "GIS and Land Records: The Parcel Data Models".
GIS Day features amazing presentations from faculty and GIS professionals in the Upstate. There will also be food and beverages, contest, prizes, and a sandbox for children, so bring your kids!

1:00 - 4:30pm
Cooper 412
Lightning Talks (1:30 - 4:00 pm)
Prepared to be inspired by our faculty and professionals using the latest GIS technologies and learn new ways to apply powerful GIS analysis to your own research. Check out innovative research happening here at Clemson!
"GIS as a Pathway to Success". Dr. Nancy von Meyer, GIS Scientist, Fairview Industries.
"Using GIS to Track Infectious Diseases". Dr. Ransome Eke. IAHC Embedded Fellow, Division of Pediatric Academics and Research, Greenville Health System.
"The Power of Maps to Guide the Future of Biodiversity". Dr. Robert Baldwin. Associate Professor, Conservation Biology Graduate Coordinator, Natural Resources. Clemson University.
"Applied Economics with Space-Time Data and a Super-Computer". Jordan Adamson. Ph. D. Economics Candidate, Clemson University.
"The Potential for Utility-Scale Solar Development in South Carolina". Dr. Michael Carbajales-Dale, Assistant Professor of Environmental Engineering & Earth Sciences, Energy-Economy-Environmental (E3) Systems Analysis Group. Clemson University.
"Using Collector to Expedite Geologic Mapping". Dr. Scott Brame, Assistant Professor, Geology. Clemson University.
"The Vanishing Firefly Project: Engaging Citizen Scientists with a Mobile Technology and Real-Time Reporting Frameworks". Dr. David White, Associate Professor, Department of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Management. Clemson University.
"The Seven Wonders of Clemson: Using GIS to add Historical Meaning and Significance to Seven Sites on the Clemson University Campus". Dr. Lance Howard, Professor, History. Clemson University.
"Understanding Human-Coyote Encounters in Urban Ecosystems Using Citizen Science Data: What Do Socioeconomics Tell Us?". Stuart Wine, GIS Manager, City of Clemson.
"A Quick History of GIS - From Overlays to Models". Dr. Stephen Sperry, Professor, City and Regional Planning. Clemson University.
"Applied GIS and the Charleston Cruise Controversy". Dr. William Terry, Assistant Professor, History. Clemson University.
"GIS in Transportation from A to Z". Dr. Wayne Sarasua, Associate Professor of Civil Engineering. Clemson University.

Tours & Map Gallery (11 - 4:30pm)
Starting at 11am, staff at the Clemson Center for Geospatial Technologies will give tours of our brand new augmented reality sandbox and allow guests to try out the virtual reality set Oculus Rift.
A series of geography games and color books will also be available for children and adults.
Students and researchers will display their favorite GIS projects with comprehensive poster displays as well as interactive web mapping applications.
Come by 412 Cooper Library and vote for your favorite poster before 4pm. The winner will be announced during the awards ceremony at 4:00pm and will receive a very special prize!
Here are the entries for this year:
"Find Your Park Metadata". Rachel Wittman, Christopher Vinson, & Joshua Morgan, Clemson Libraries.
"Innovative Ways of Using Social Media for Emergency Management". Jean Elmelki, Civil Engineering, & Irfan Tak, CITI.
"UGA's Desegregation Story: An Interactive Map". Bennett Parten, History.
"Transportation Safety With A Geographic Information System (GIS) Flavor".
Kweku Brown, Civil Engineering. -
"The 7 Natural Wonders of Clemson". Lance Howard, Will Rice, Bria Anthony & Chad Lee, History.
" 2035 Projection-Impervious Surface". Elham Masoomkhah & Natalia Caridad Rosario, City and Regional Planning.
" 2035 Projection Green Infrastructure". Elham Masoomkhah & Natalia Caridad Rosario, City and Regional Planning.
"LiDAR Data for Charleston and Clemson, South Carolina". Blake Lytle, Hydrogeology.
"Lung Cancer Scenarios in the Carolinas". Abdullah Al Mamun, Environmental Engineering and Science.

Contests & Prizes
Do you want to win a brand new drone with HD camera? Two executive suite tickets to the Clemson game against Wake Forest on November 21? Or perhaps you would like to remember this special year with a football signed by Coach Dabo Swinney and your favorite star players?
Then come by 412 Cooper on November 18 to participant in the contest of the year! Three different contests will be held during the day and participation is free.
Where in the World?
A series of aerial photos of iconic places around the world will be on display at Cooper Library. Participants have to correctly guess the world locations and fill out the form to enter the chance of winning one of the best flying drones in the market: a UDI U818A 2.4GHz Axis Gyro RC Quadcopter with HD Camera. The locations may consist of popular landmarks and maybe even one or two of the world wonders, so bring your international friends with you!
Map Gallery
Participants will choose their favorite poster or map to enter the chance of winning two executive suite football tickets for the game against Wake Forest on November 21.
Mapping our Tiger Spirit
Students, faculty and staff are invited to participate in our crowdsourcing map by choosing their favorite place at Clemson using our online interactive map form: http://arcg.is/1Qtl0Kf . One entry will be selected to win a very special football signed by none other than coach Dabo Swinney and your favorite Clemson players!
The winners for all contests will be announced at the end of the lighting talk session at 4pm at 412 Cooper Library. The winners must be present to win their award. Feel free to invite any of your peers to join our contests. Food and refreshments will be served to all guests.

Event Details
Clemson Center for Geospatial Technologies412 RM Cooper Library
116 Sigma Drive
Clemson University
Lightning Talks, Map Gallery, Tours, Games, Contests, Cake and Awards!
Open to the public
11-4:30pm - Map Gallery, tours & games
1:30-4:00pm - Lightning Talks
4-4:30pm - Awards
11-4pm - Contests
Special thanks to our keynote speaker, Dr. Nancy von Meyer, all of our guest speakers, Teri Alexander, Ryan Real, David Sharpe, Debbie Gravely, Mik Dale, Rachel Wittman, David Beasley and the Clemson football team for their donation, and CCIT for donating the football tickets.
Our GIS Day hero award goes to the amazing team that makes everything happen at Clemson and without them we wouldn't be able to celebrate this day: Billy Rutherford, Matt Rector and Sam Beckler, you guys are incredible. Thank you!!

Augmented Reality: Clemson Sandbox
With some sand, Linux, a Microsoft Kinect, a projector, and lastly a sandbox, the Center for Geospatial Technologies would like to present our students, faculty and staff with Clemson’s first Augmented Reality Sandbox.
The sandbox, which is open throughout lab hours for the public, is setup as a neat hands-on experience of both 3D scanning, projection mapping, and as a way to teach people about geography. This amazing interactive sandbox responds to your actions, and can be built at home using common-place technology. The projector displays an interactive topographic map, with elevation and contour lines in real-time; and hills, valleys, and rivers can be made in the Augmented Reality Sandbox, which the computer changes projection to match the landscape. This sandbox is not only fun, but it is also a great way to learn about geography, as high-tech magic is able to bring the terrain to life right before your eyes.
Watch the quick demo video here, and stop by room 412 to try it out!