Clemson Drone Workshop 2019
Get the information you need to begin using drones for your business or organization and take your operations to the next level.
Whether you want to to bring drone-based photography into your marketing or real estate firm, an engineering or construction company wanting to supplement their operations with aerial mapping surveys, a hobbyist looking to fly for profit, or a researcher who wants to apply drone-based mapping to their work, this comprehensive workshop will help you get off the ground.
The full workshop is offered across two days. There are several possibilities for attendance, depending on your interest:
Attend the first day to learn the fundamentals of drone operations
Sign up for a specialized technical track on the second day
Enroll in both days for the complete experience.
DAY 1 will cover:
How to plan and safely execute automated flights using consumer-grade drones, including pre- and post-flight practices.
Select a drone that best suits your needs.
Understand the legal and safe operation of drones in the US.
Get a headstart on the FAA knowledge test to be a certified operator.
DAY 2: Two specialized technical tracks are offered separately:
Drone Photo and Video Editing
Mapping and Geospatial Data Creation
Click here for the full schedule and topics.
Workshop Details
WHO IS IT FOR? Businesses, organizations, government entities, researchers, and individuals looking to learn the technical aspects around using drones commercially. No prior experience necessary.
DATE August 6 & 7, 2019.
LOCATION Cooper Library, 116 Sigma Dr., Clemson, SC 29634 and nearby field sites.
PROVIDED Lunch and on-campus parking is included. Training materials and computing workstations are provided.
Single-Day Two-Day
Clemson affiliates: $250 $500
General public: $300 $600
Cost is per person.
Sign up to reserve your seat using the form at the bottom of this page. There is no cost to reserve a seat. Instructions for payment will be supplied closer to the workshop date.
CONTACT For questions, contact Blake Lytle directly.
Schedule and Topics

DAY 1: Fundamentals of Unmanned Aerial Operations
This session covers all the basics: regulations, selecting a drone, flight planning and logistics, and demonstration of photography and mapping flights.
Drone Operations: What you need to know (9:00 - 11:30 am)
Drones, Sensors, and Data Products
FAA Regulations and Certification
Safe Operations and Aircraft Performance
Lunch 11:30 - 12:30 pm
Getting Off the Ground (12:30 - 4:00 pm)
Automated Flights and Planning
Pre-flight and Post-flight Considerations
Flight Demonstrations
Viewing the Results, Wrap-up, Q&A, (4:00 - 5:00 pm)
DAY 2:
Mapping and Geospatial Data Creation Track
Create georeferenced imagery, elevation data, point clouds, and 3D meshes from photos taken with a drone.
Mission Planning Considerations (9:00 - 10:30 am)
Structure from Motion Processing and Software
Flight parameters
GPS, Ground Control, and Accuracy
Mapping Mission - Seneca Bottoms (10:45 - 1:00 pm)
Field inspection and considerations
Collecting Ground Control
Mapping flight
Lunch 1:00 - 2:00 PM
Processing Photos to Spatial Data (2:00 - 5:00 pm)
Elevation Data, Point Clouds, and Mesh Creation
Accuracy Optimization
Quality reporting
Wrap-up, Q&A

DAY 2:
Drone Photo and Video Editing Track
Learn how to get the most stunning results from your pictures and videos to set you apart from the crowd.
Editing Drone Video Footage (9:00 - 12:00 pm)
Importing drone footage
Finding and editing to music
Color correcting and color grading
Lunch 12:00 - 1:00 pm
Editing Drone Photos (1:00 - 3:00 pm)
Image file management
Color correcting
Masking and compositing
Social Media Tips (3:00 - 4:00 pm)
Q&A and one-on-one consultations (4:00 - 5:00 pm)

Instructors and Sponsors
Blake Lytle

Blake is the UAV Specialist at CCGT. He provides pilot services to the University, manages the CCGT drone fleet, and develops and delivers training resources. He has experience with a variety of unmanned mapping systems, sensors, and data processing and analysis.
Kelsey Sheaffer

Kelsey is the Learning Technologies Librarian and Director of the Adobe Digital Studio in Cooper Library. Kelsey received her Masters of Fine Arts in Kinetic Imaging, focusing on art made with sound, animation and video
Patricia Carbajales-Dale

Patricia is the Executive Director of CCGT and an FAA Part 107 certified remote pilot. She brings extensive experience in GIS and geospatial analysis, visualization, and instruction.
This workshop is brought to you by the Clemson Center for Geospatial Technologies, Clemson Computing and Information Technology, and the Clemson Libraries.